Our online pieces are usually shorter and punchier than the long form pieces which you’ll find in our print editions. The blog is updated regularly.
To A Leftist
Socialism, in all its forms, intrinsically compels one to take up the cause of animals, no matter what fuels your ideology. Environmentally, capital production of meat and animal products competes with petroleum for the most sordid, hellish conception of an industry one could conceive.
‘There is still time, brother’: Apocalyptic Fiction and Climate Change
In Octavia Butler’s The Parable of the Sower, seeing the apocalypse as unfolding now means seeing the reality of catastrophe even when it is not (yet) made viscerally obvious to you.
Student Protest, What and How
An effective protest seems to comprise three general points – it is targeted, constant, and disruptive. We are not here to simply ignore or be dictated to, we are a group with shared collective interests.
Brooklyn Revisited
If the most moral thing a ’serious novelist’ can do is not shy away from injustice, but instead to hold a viewfinder up to it, then Hubert Selby, Jr. is one of the U.S. literati’s patron saints.
Wintermute, El Salvador, and Finding Purpose in Resistance
Neuromancer, a novel by William Gibson, is considered by many to be one of the progenitors of the cyberpunk genre.
Modern Propaganda and Fighting the Nazis
The SPD’s forgotten ‘symbol war’ against the Nazis reveals the origins of modern propaganda and its intimate links to populist politics. In 1932, populism nearly beat the Nazis at their own game.